Wednesday 29 October 2014

Beatrix radio and TV for the BBC 1930s and 1940s

All dates from the Radio Times archives

30 January 1934 21.20
Belfast Clemence Dane’s Wild December,
A Play about the Bronte's Adapted for broadcasting by THE AUTHOR
The action passes in the parlor of Haworth Parsonage during the years
1842 to 1855
Cast in order of their appearance :
Patrick Branwell Bronte: John Cheatle
Anne Bronte: Thea Holme
Emily Bronte: Beatrix Lehmann
Charlotte Bronte: Lydia Sherwood
Tabby: Dora Gregory
The Reverend Patrick Bronte, A B: Alfred Sangster
The Reverend Arthur Bell Nicholls, A B: Robert Speaight
Martha: Elizabeth Chambers
A Doctor: Edward Craven

14 August 1935 21.00
Regional Programme London, 'Pleasant Portion'
'They have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness '
Jeremiah xii, 10
Production by HOWARD ROSE
'Pleasant Portion' will be repeated in the National programme on Friday evening at 8.0
Mrs. Craik: Gladys Young
Carrie Her daughters: Beatrix Lehmann
Doris Her daughters: Joyce Bland
Mrs. O'Connor: Renee de Vaux
David Halcott: Geoffrey Edwards
Dr. Glover: Gordon Mc Leod
A Nurse: Molly Hamley Clifford
A Waitress: Doris Blagrove

BBC Television, 12 March 1937 15.00
Scenes from Shakespeare

BBC Television, 9 April 1937 21.00
Scenes from Shakespeare
in scenes from ' Richard III '
Produced by Stephen Thomas
Today for the first time viewers will see Ernest Milton , who is one of the best Shakespearean actors on the London stage. Radio listeners will remember his fine interpretation of Shylock in the radio version of The Merchant of Venice broadcast on January 31. It was his first introduction to Shakespeare that made him decide to become an actor. He was taken as a small boy to see As You Like It performed in the Greek theatre of the University of California, and from that moment his mind was made up.
Beatrix Lehmann , as well as being a leading actress, has a big reputation as a novelist.
Produced By: Stephen Thomas
the Lady Anne: Beatrix Lehmann
Richard, Duke of Gloucester: Ernest Milton

Regional Programme Scotland, 24 July 1939 20.20
Radio Drama from Europe-No. 1 'STORM OVER SANTA CRUZ'
A Polish radio play by Janina Morawska, Translated from the French by Robert Kemp
Chief Characters
Telephone girls at the Santa Cruz central exchange
An official of the Havana Observatory ; and the Mayor, the Cure, and the Police Officer of Santa Cruz
Production by John Cheatle
Dolores Del Vanco: Beatrix Lehmann
Conchita: Vera Lennox
Tom, a Negro employed at the exchange: Robert Adams

Regional Programme London, 24 July 1939 20.20
Radio Drama from Europe-No. 'STORM OVER SANTA CRUZ'
(Same drama playing concurrently on different local station)
This is the first of the series of representative plays written specially for radio by leading dramatists of foreign countries. All over the world writers of various countries are working for radio, and this series should afford British listeners the opportunity of hearing some of the best radio plays from overseas. It is hoped to include among the plays works from Scandinavia, Germany, Italy, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Hungary, Finland, and Prague.
Storm over Santa Cruz is stirring stuff, and tells the story of what happened during a hurricane that devastated a small town on the island of Cuba in 1932. The principal drama is centred in the telephone exchange in general, and on the character of a girl telephonist in particular.
Play By: Janina Morawska
Unknown: Robert Kemp
Production By: John Cheatle
Dolores Del Vanco: Beatrix Lehmann
Ccnchita: Vera Lennox
Tom, a Negro employed at the exchange: Robert Adams

BBC Home Service Basic, 5 April 1945 18.50
A pageant of the Royal Navy presented by the ' Daily Express ' at the Royal Albert Hall. Narrators, 'Beatrix Lehmann , Leslie Mitchell , and Alan Wheatley. Produced by Squadron Leader Ralph Reader
The broadcast excerpt includes Martita Hunt , Geoffrey Dunn , Bernard Miles , Peter Croft , Wally Patch. Ernest Sefton , Frederick Harvey , the Symphony Orchestra of H.M. Royal Marines (Chatham, Portsmouth and Plymouth Divisions). the Royal Marines Band (Royal Naval School of Music) under the direction of Bandmaster K. A. McLean , and the Royal Naval Chorus (Portsmouth) under the direction of Captain F. Vivian Dunn , M.V.O., Director of Music, Royal Marines
Narrators: Albert Hall.
Narrators: Beatrix Lehmann
Narrators: Leslie Mitchell
Unknown: Martita Hunt
Unknown: Geoffrey Dunn
Unknown: Bernard Miles
Unknown: Peter Croft
Unknown: Wally Patch.
Unknown: Ernest Sefton
Unknown: Frederick Harvey
Unknown: K. A. McLean
Unknown: F. Vivian Dunn

General Forces Programme, 7 April 1945 9.30
(Repeat of above)

Light Programme, 19 August 1946 16.20
Lewis Casson Lydia Sherwood and Beatrix Lehmann in ' THE BRONTES'
by Alfred Sangster. Adapted for broadcasting by Peggy Wells , Produced by Howard Rose

BBC Home Service Basic, 26 September 1946 23.03
'Second Hearing' ' THE WALLS ARE DOWN'
A study of a kleptomaniac and his cure in a mental hospital. With Beatrix Lehmann as the doctor and Anthony Jacobs as the patient. Written and produced by Edward Livesey.
Unknown: Beatrix Lehmann
Unknown: Anthony Jacobs

Third Programme, 4 October 1946 22.00
'HUIS CLOS'  By Jean-Paul Sartre
Translated by Marjorie Gabaln and Joan Swinstead. Produced by Mary Hope Allen
This play was first produced in London by Peter Brook at the Arts Theatre Club under the title ' Vicious Circle.' Tonight you hear it with the original cast from that production
Garcin: Alec Guinness
Attendant: Donald Pleasance
Ines: Beatrix Lehmann
Estelle Betty: Ann Davies
A audio recording of this play is availble at the British Library sound recordings. T3574W C1 1946

Third Programme, 11 December 1946 21.50
' HUIS CLOS ' by Jean-Paul Sartre
Translated by Marjorie Gabain and Joan Swinstead. Produced by Mary Hope Allen
(Repeat information)

Third Programme, 21 December 1946 19.15
'HUIS CLOS' by Jean-Paul Sartre
Translated by Marjorie Gabain and Joan Swinstead
(Repeat information)

Light Programme, 3 December 1948 11.00
Crime in our Village by Beatrix Lehmann
Reader, Patricia Laffan
Reader: Beatrix Lehmann
Reader: Patricia Laffan
Short story written by Beatrix and published in John Lehmann's New Writings, New Series, no. 2, 1939

BBC Home Service Basic, 9 May 1949 21.15
Beatrix Lehmann and Walter Rilla in 'THE COMPELLED PEOPLE
A play of the Berlin Airlift by Lionel Birch and Loma Hay Adapted for broadcasting and produced by Donald McWhinnie
Joe Mancini: Jon Farrell
Emmy, the maid: Joan Clement Scott
Hugo von Gerhardt: Walter Rilla
Friedl his sister: Beatrix Lehmann
Beatrice Crouch-Burnham: Hester Paton Brown
Sigrid Kleber: Irene Prador
Ivan Alexeivitch Dalmatov (Vanya): Theodore Bikel
Gerald Taylor: Derek Birch
Radio announcer: Basil Jones

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